

February 19th, 2015

pokeyrunner7 has drawn 155 drawings and authored 110 captions across 265 games. They follow 3 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 545 emotes!


Commented in the game What is the color red? PIO please.

Commented in the game A super friendly aviator

Commented in the game Game Grumps

Commented in the game Tommy Wiseau

Commented in the game Mother 4

Commented in the game Backwards centaur.

Commented in the game Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Commented in the game Darkest white ever not seen

Commented in the game Go team Venture!

Commented in the game 3-D Couple

Commented in the game Lucario release gas at con

Commented in the game Volcano on Strike

Commented in the game Obama endorses Baymax

Commented in the game Cow in a can

Commented in the game Lena Dunham

Commented in the game Supervillian cats