
MLG Prohacker

March 24th, 2015

MLG Prohacker has drawn 49 drawings and authored 77 captions across 126 games. They've earned a total of 130 emotes!


Commented in the game A worm shaking hands with a lizard

Commented in the game Undertale

Commented in the game Cut it out, butthead!

Commented in the game Samurai Jack vs Porfo

Commented in the game Fool me once

Commented in the game a purple pangolin

Commented in the game a purple pangolin

Commented in the game a purple pangolin

Commented in the game a purple pangolin

Commented in the game a purple pangolin

Commented in the game Planting the bomb (CS 1.6)

Commented in the game Do what you want

Commented in the game Concentrated Juice

Commented in the game Do what you want

Commented in the game where is francis!?