

May 8th, 2015   Hí Bräsil

Brendan has drawn 148 drawings and authored 621 captions across 769 games. They follow 34 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,675 emotes!


Commented in the game Step 1: Open up Drawception

Commented in the game Guard

Commented in the game A UFO flying above Hogwarts.

Commented in the game Fire horse vs ice horse

Commented in the game Majoring in Miscommunication

Commented in the game Your Pets PIO

Commented in the game Falling in love with your shadow

Commented in the game Christmas Morning

Commented in the game Nootbusters!

Commented in the game Nootbusters!

Commented in the game Nootbusters!

Commented in the game feelings suck i wish i was a bagel

Commented in the game Kitty Cerberus

Commented in the game Fav thing about Christmas PIO

Commented in the game Create a Harry Potter OC PIO

Commented in the game Create a Harry Potter OC PIO

Commented in the game Christmas Dodo

Commented in the game Christmas Dodo