

May 24th, 2015

tes has drawn 118 drawings and authored 91 captions across 209 games. They follow 13 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 683 emotes!


Commented in the game Kawaii Lord Sheogorath says CHEESE!

Commented in the game Fireworks over the lake

Commented in the game Fireworks over the lake

Commented in the game The green bear stared at me

Commented in the game Sexy breasts

Commented in the game Fabulous Secret Powers

Commented in the game Professor Gimli

Commented in the game Mug of Sexual Products

Commented in the game I don't got a bellybutton.

Commented in the game Water.

Commented in the game Weiner dog AT-AT

Commented in the game Quickly retrieve arms from drawer.

Commented in the game The switch is now on OFF

Commented in the game Waluigi eats tires.