
LOL Icon

July 21st, 2015   Battery City

LOL Icon has drawn 70 drawings and authored 140 captions across 210 games. They follow 2 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 269 emotes!


Commented in the game Nagito Komaeda on the Nintendo DS!!

Commented in the game What's Left Inside

Commented in the game Spider-man loves Batgirl

Commented in the game Draw your waifu

Commented in the game Lost

Commented in the game Lost

Commented in the game 'a far side' cow eyes tools

Commented in the game Fighting fire with fire

Commented in the game Giant Wasp Vs Giant Bee

Commented in the game A Boo holding a suspicious box.

Commented in the game Guilty pleasure

Commented in the game When Fish Attack

Commented in the game Why? BEEcause!

Commented in the game Golden Girl BEE Arthur

Commented in the game Lemonade by the beach

Commented in the game You're the BEE'S knees HONEY :D