

October 29th, 2015   Earth

JakeyQuakey has drawn 226 drawings and authored 197 captions across 423 games. They follow 4 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 678 emotes!


Commented in the game Robot

Commented in the game Congrats On 1500 Followers, Eighty8!

Commented in the game Nintendo Switch

Commented in the game Lets count to 15 PIO! - 1

Commented in the game Lets count to 15 PIO! - 1

Commented in the game Lets count to 15 PIO! - 1

Commented in the game I got a drawing tablet!

Commented in the game I got a drawing tablet!

Commented in the game Anything Hetalia PIO

Commented in the game Amine P.I.O.

Commented in the game DANGANRONPA PIO

Commented in the game DANGANRONPA PIO

Commented in the game DANGANRONPA PIO

Commented in the game Ouma kokichi(Danganronpa v3)

Commented in the game Favorite PC game PIO!

Commented in the game Favorite PC game PIO!

Commented in the game BFDI Appreciation PIO

Commented in the game Ouma kokichi(Danganronpa v3)