

December 31st, 2015

birdtrash54 has drawn 338 drawings and authored 415 captions across 753 games. They follow 28 players and have 23 followers. They've earned a total of 3,940 emotes!


Commented in the game Obscure Video Game Character

Commented in the game got tiger

Commented in the game Troll relapse!

Commented in the game You betrayed papyrus you ( Y )

Commented in the game Kawaii Papyrus from Undertale

Commented in the game yare yare daze...

Commented in the game DERAIL THIS P.I.O.

Commented in the game Joaje

Commented in the game The most SFW thing imaginable

Commented in the game My father will hear about this!

Commented in the game Cute Praying Mantis

Commented in the game Supergirl

Commented in the game A troll with a blue cat-shaped hat

Commented in the game Questionable man bribing a baby.

Commented in the game Draw someting from undertale PIO

Commented in the game Tofu waifu is best waifu