

December 31st, 2015

birdtrash54 has drawn 338 drawings and authored 415 captions across 753 games. They follow 28 players and have 23 followers. They've earned a total of 3,940 emotes!


Commented in the game Happy Reformation Day!

Commented in the game All drawception memes in 1 place.

Commented in the game A shark in shark's clothing

Commented in the game The Rolling Stones Logo

Commented in the game Walking dead Neagan + Lucille

Commented in the game Squirrel with the Pearl Earring

Commented in the game The bat penguin dog

Commented in the game Kawii king

Commented in the game Aspect of mind (homestuck)

Commented in the game A pigeon rap battle

Commented in the game Undertale video games crossovers pio

Commented in the game Undertale video games crossovers pio

Commented in the game Somebody just told me

Commented in the game doge 4 president

Commented in the game doge 4 president

Commented in the game GRAND DAD

Commented in the game the best company

Commented in the game Chibi John the heir of breath