

April 2nd, 2012   Brescia

Frash has drawn 138 drawings and authored 114 captions across 252 games. They follow 0 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 375 emotes!


Commented in the game Seals Clubbing (ie. at a nightclub)

Commented in the game Goku is a skaterboy

Commented in the game E.T. can't phone home!

Commented in the game Wacky water wiggler

Commented in the game The Dude Abides

Commented in the game Terminator and Jesus (MadTV)

Commented in the game Castaway

Commented in the game Hipster parasailing on Mars.

Commented in the game Star Wars

Commented in the game In Bruges

Commented in the game The Barney Rubble Tribute Act

Commented in the game A hotdog eating a hotdog

Commented in the game Skateboarding Predator.

Commented in the game It's always sunny in Philadelphia

Commented in the game Portal

Commented in the game NSFW