

May 2nd, 2016

TheEerieRedLight has drawn 188 drawings and authored 651 captions across 839 games. They follow 35 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 884 emotes!


Commented in the game Pet Bear

Commented in the game Sad cat stealing pizza

Commented in the game Don't Starve

Commented in the game Personification of fear

Commented in the game Rock Lobster

Commented in the game bear hydra

Commented in the game Hipster takes ballet lessons

Commented in the game Sierpinski's Doritos

Commented in the game Web beard

Commented in the game Give us an interesting fact! P.I.O

Commented in the game Bear snake

Commented in the game slime werewolf

Commented in the game Drunk Werewolf

Commented in the game Free draw PIO

Commented in the game Legdad TED Talk

Commented in the game half goat half man spilt vertically