

May 10th, 2016

BlackSun has drawn 38 drawings and authored 80 captions across 118 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 143 emotes!


Commented in the game Imagining a Hook

Commented in the game Knight Solaire

Commented in the game A dragon ghost pokemon.

Commented in the game Isaac Newton: "Gravity, but why?"

Commented in the game "Does this look unsure to you?"

Commented in the game Jake the dog

Commented in the game flower love

Commented in the game Jake the dog

Commented in the game Jake the dog

Commented in the game Pink Guy

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.

Commented in the game Dank Memes 420 MLG Pro

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.

Commented in the game Reddit x Tumblr is OTP for life.