

May 30th, 2016

SamurottExcalibur has drawn 89 drawings and authored 69 captions across 158 games. They follow 7 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 187 emotes!


Commented in the game Nintendo Switch

Commented in the game Espurr is bored

Commented in the game Espurr is bored

Commented in the game Stitch

Commented in the game The gallows

Commented in the game perverted kool-aid man

Commented in the game Africa's not a country

Commented in the game Africa's not a country

Commented in the game XKCD presents the Mona Lisa

Commented in the game XKCD presents the Mona Lisa

Commented in the game Trick or Treaters

Commented in the game I have Crippling Depression

Commented in the game Mario and Sonic get married

Commented in the game Homestuck vs Undertale

Commented in the game Mario and Sonic get married

Commented in the game Tracer fights Kneesocks on the moon

Commented in the game Super dratini martini blitz!

Commented in the game Guess who made waffles?!