

July 22nd, 2016

Deckofcards04 has drawn 66 drawings and authored 50 captions across 116 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 117 emotes!


Commented in the game The Vulture (Spiderman: Homecoming)

Commented in the game Oswald The Lucky Rabbit

Commented in the game something stupid

Commented in the game 2017 kills everyone

Commented in the game helecopter

Commented in the game Sans gives Frisk a bad time

Commented in the game The Diamonds (Steven Universe)

Commented in the game Wario potato blows up The death star

Commented in the game Creep from the Deep

Commented in the game Rocket Raccoon

Commented in the game HERE COME DAT BOI

Commented in the game Self loathing Slav

Commented in the game Steven Universe

Commented in the game HERE COME DAT BOI

Commented in the game Steven Universe

Commented in the game Free Draw (PIO ????)

Commented in the game Death by Glamour

Commented in the game Self loathing Slav