

August 11th, 2016

TheCandysaurus has drawn 426 drawings and authored 229 captions across 655 games. They follow 8 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 2,032 emotes!


Commented in the game Free Draw

Commented in the game Winter is still here

Commented in the game Kawaii Shark!

Commented in the game Forest waterfall

Commented in the game A knight fighting a dragon

Commented in the game dinky winks (spy kids)

Commented in the game Favorite art tool PIO

Commented in the game psyduck in a suit

Commented in the game PANEL.

Commented in the game the grim reaper going to starbucks

Commented in the game Colorful landscape

Commented in the game Robbie Rotten

Commented in the game a gray box in a maroon splotch

Commented in the game Fight Club movie poster

Commented in the game Ahsoka Tano

Commented in the game Bear