
Midnight Sushi

August 17th, 2016   Where Nothing Gathers

Midnight Sushi has drawn 187 drawings and authored 371 captions across 558 games. They follow 68 players and have 45 followers. They've earned a total of 1,301 emotes!


Commented in the game 2020 in one image

Commented in the game Don't Wanna Be an American Idiot

Commented in the game Don't Wanna Be an American Idiot

Commented in the game Strip Club

Commented in the game The squeaking frog wearing ushanka

Commented in the game zora link is hot

Commented in the game Fav game from childhood PIO

Commented in the game Fav game from childhood PIO

Commented in the game It was me, Dio!

Commented in the game Lesbian vampire

Commented in the game Fly Minetti

Commented in the game It's over, isn't it

Commented in the game Say "Fuzzy Pickles!"

Commented in the game Quien es Sombra?