

October 4th, 2016

akane14 has drawn 124 drawings and authored 149 captions across 273 games. They follow 8 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 478 emotes!


Commented in the game Do you wanna build a snowman?

Commented in the game a duck in a tea cup

Commented in the game Easter Island landscape

Commented in the game Drawception family picture PIO

Commented in the game A bunch of sea monkeys.

Commented in the game NOW ITS REYN TIME

Commented in the game what keeps you alive? PIO

Commented in the game Drawception D marries X

Commented in the game Nintendo Switch

Commented in the game The Hanging Man (tarot card)

Commented in the game 2 Dogs hanging out

Commented in the game I have no idea

Commented in the game A cow jumping over Pokémon Moon

Commented in the game free draw pio

Commented in the game PIO games in a nutshell

Commented in the game ZOO gate

Commented in the game Look at the stars...