

November 3rd, 2016

MrSamWiseCraft has drawn 53 drawings and authored 58 captions across 111 games. They follow 4 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 142 emotes!


Commented in the game This panel is stupid -->

Commented in the game Draw something Splatoon related.

Commented in the game OI BLIN!

Commented in the game Boom Bad Skee Didlly Scoot Bop!

Commented in the game Yellmo versus Trouble Muffin

Commented in the game Yellmo versus Trouble Muffin

Commented in the game Yee

Commented in the game thor beheads hulk

Commented in the game Drawception for Dummies (the book)

Commented in the game Yee

Commented in the game zim zam the spaceman and robot rudy!

Commented in the game Gorillaz!

Commented in the game Why did they just raise the prices?!

Commented in the game Canada

Commented in the game Canada