

January 6th, 2017

SH0RK0 has drawn 144 drawings and authored 479 captions across 623 games. They follow 0 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 1,249 emotes!


Commented in the game A fence

Commented in the game Turtle Orgee

Commented in the game Turtle Orgee

Commented in the game Turtle Orgee

Commented in the game Kumatora.

Commented in the game Lesbian rocks from outer space

Commented in the game Uka Uka

Commented in the game Mimikyu, but it's Alolan Exeggutor.

Commented in the game Spooker's Homecooked BBQ

Commented in the game horrify me! be creative! (No PIO)

Commented in the game sexy shantae

Commented in the game How to Fly, step 1: Build a plane.

Commented in the game Flying through the sky like a tiger

Commented in the game persian's alolan form

Commented in the game Step 99 wake up