

January 27th, 2017   In your slippers :3

KittyySketches has drawn 41 drawings and authored 38 captions across 79 games. They follow 7 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 83 emotes!


Commented in the game toothless the dragon (pio)

Commented in the game Sherlock

Commented in the game OwO whats this?

Commented in the game You were the chosen one!

Commented in the game OwO whats this?

Commented in the game Draw your OC [free draw]

Commented in the game Free Draw (make it good)

Commented in the game A night in Paris

Commented in the game The Hat in the Cat

Commented in the game Draw your pet pio

Commented in the game It's time to duel!

Commented in the game yellmo cant stand his new neighbors

Commented in the game The Grim Reaper

Commented in the game step 1:find dragon cave

Commented in the game Trumpty Dumpty

Commented in the game Tattletail (Video Game)

Commented in the game Frisk Undertale

Commented in the game Frisk Undertale