

March 18th, 2017   LASoCal

Brand0n3500 has drawn 1,806 drawings and authored 9,856 captions across 11,662 games. They follow 3,937 players and have 1,174 followers. They've earned a total of 39,073 emotes!


Commented in the game Cooking with Master Chief

Commented in the game Sarvente is sick

Commented in the game Sonic and Pikachu hybrid

Commented in the game Pipe Organ

Commented in the game Among Us

Commented in the game Australia is on fire

Commented in the game Kanye West for Prez

Commented in the game President Kanye West

Commented in the game Kanye West runs for president

Commented in the game Ricardo Milos

Commented in the game Unus Annus

Commented in the game Shrek x Jesus

Commented in the game bob's burgers

Commented in the game Steven universe

Commented in the game a piece of cover

Commented in the game Finally.JoJo’s Normal Adventure

Commented in the game Fox

Commented in the game Reeling in a Gold Nugget