

May 19th, 2017

CursedCrayon has drawn 226 drawings and authored 301 captions across 527 games. They follow 3 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 1,029 emotes!


Commented in the game Evil mosquito

Commented in the game The Kitten in the Mittens

Commented in the game Mammoth Book

Commented in the game CEO

Commented in the game Drawing with a Knife

Commented in the game Lava Lamp in the Matrix

Commented in the game Kid

Commented in the game A Computer jumping over a Bridge

Commented in the game Even in death I still serve

Commented in the game Someplace cozy

Commented in the game Markiplier and Chica (his dog)

Commented in the game "We need to talk"

Commented in the game Fields of Gold

Commented in the game best pokemon starter

Commented in the game Superhero!

Commented in the game Miku for prime minister.