

May 22nd, 2017

Lakit has drawn 809 drawings and authored 994 captions across 1,803 games. They follow 22 players and have 34 followers. They've earned a total of 3,731 emotes!


Commented in the game We... Are the Crystal Gems...

Commented in the game Game Grumps

Commented in the game You... you CLOD!

Commented in the game Smol space dorito

Commented in the game You... you CLOD!

Commented in the game It's too hot out Bob!!!

Commented in the game CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL! THESE-

Commented in the game CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL! THESE-

Commented in the game Harambe's tragic death

Commented in the game Pair of neon hummingbirds

Commented in the game You... you CLOD!

Commented in the game Free draw PIO

Commented in the game Bee movie meme

Commented in the game Sans's existential crisis.

Commented in the game Dead by daylight(game)

Commented in the game dramatic circle

Commented in the game dramatic circle