

May 22nd, 2017

Lakit has drawn 809 drawings and authored 994 captions across 1,803 games. They follow 22 players and have 34 followers. They've earned a total of 3,731 emotes!


Commented in the game The cutest prairie dog

Commented in the game Step 1: hate panel 4

Commented in the game Pyromaniac Punk-Rocker

Commented in the game Pyromaniac Punk-Rocker

Commented in the game Bob Ross vs Jazza

Commented in the game Heavy Metal Child

Commented in the game Bob Ross VS Jazza

Commented in the game Silly Mail Carrier

Commented in the game temmy from under tale

Commented in the game Fire pokemon roasting marshmallows!

Commented in the game Soviet union

Commented in the game Peridot from Steven Universe

Commented in the game I hate pants

Commented in the game I hate pants

Commented in the game Inconsistently aged person

Commented in the game Inconsistently aged person

Commented in the game Inconsistently aged person