

May 30th, 2017

HeyHeyImNotBlackHat has drawn 72 drawings and authored 89 captions across 161 games. They follow 3 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 150 emotes!


Commented in the game rick and morty as a instrument

Commented in the game A marble

Commented in the game Step 14: Burn it with Fire

Commented in the game A cow jumping over his milk

Commented in the game Neon

Commented in the game Mithzan

Commented in the game Jasper

Commented in the game Cat eat a bandana

Commented in the game Wolf in sheep's clothing

Commented in the game TinkerBell

Commented in the game mOcKiNg sPoNgEbOb

Commented in the game Hoxton from Payday saying wanker

Commented in the game adventure time

Commented in the game Pinkie Pie :3 (mlp)

Commented in the game last tree standing

Commented in the game Sans

Commented in the game Scrungus.

Commented in the game their vs they're vs there

Commented in the game Bill nye the science guy (90's)

Commented in the game studio ghibli