

May 30th, 2017

HeyHeyImNotBlackHat has drawn 72 drawings and authored 89 captions across 161 games. They follow 3 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 150 emotes!


Commented in the game Step 1: Turn on your computer.

Commented in the game septiceye sam

Commented in the game Gravity falls

Commented in the game Goldfish playing poker

Commented in the game A Bee, See?

Commented in the game SomeThingElseYT (Adam)

Commented in the game Favorite Horror Villain PIO

Commented in the game I dont feel so well...

Commented in the game The virgin drawception

Commented in the game You are me and I am them.....or not?

Commented in the game You are me and I am them.....or not?

Commented in the game Square head on fire

Commented in the game Small blue sheep

Commented in the game Small blue sheep

Commented in the game DANTDM becomes a evil 4 eyed monster

Commented in the game Goldfish playing poker

Commented in the game TomTord

Commented in the game Taco Bell

Commented in the game mOcKiNg sPoNgEbOb