

June 19th, 2017

artducky has drawn 95 drawings and authored 169 captions across 264 games. They follow 9 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 181 emotes!


Commented in the game bo burnham

Commented in the game Ponyo

Commented in the game Lemon pies for eyes

Commented in the game Upside down Reindeer

Commented in the game The Emoji Movie Cute

Commented in the game The Emoji Movie Cute

Commented in the game Draw what you are good at (PIO)

Commented in the game DHMIS except everyone is a potato

Commented in the game Peaches

Commented in the game Peaches

Commented in the game something cringy (dont PIO)

Commented in the game Max (from Camp Camp)

Commented in the game My breakfast

Commented in the game Draw what you are good at (PIO)

Commented in the game Sexy Benjamin

Commented in the game Sexy Benjamin

Commented in the game Bob

Commented in the game Bob

Commented in the game Kazuichi Soda (from Danganronpa)

Commented in the game VaultBoy