

July 14th, 2017

CapitainPuppy has drawn 56 drawings and authored 118 captions across 174 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 179 emotes!


Commented in the game Cute Litwick (Pokémon)

Commented in the game Puffball bfb eats pencil

Commented in the game Mario Kart

Commented in the game Ruv (friday night funkin)

Commented in the game Sugar wearing a T-Shirt

Commented in the game Step 1. Grab your wallet

Commented in the game Korra

Commented in the game Badger imagining a Hamburger

Commented in the game Cupcake on a Boat

Commented in the game Fish texting Salad

Commented in the game Hero for fun (it's a reference!)

Commented in the game Terrible Firey x Leafy shipping art

Commented in the game Something that makes you happy PIO

Commented in the game Mini planets

Commented in the game Something that makes you happy PIO

Commented in the game Step 12, break thew time stream