

July 26th, 2017

thegoober5000 has drawn 937 drawings and authored 279 captions across 1,216 games. They follow 54 players and have 73 followers. They've earned a total of 3,833 emotes!


Commented in the game Grandpa explores his homosexuality

Commented in the game First pictures of a black hole

Commented in the game Turkey Daydreaming

Commented in the game Pastel dreamland

Commented in the game Billie Eilish

Commented in the game A beautiful sunset

Commented in the game Yes. These are my real shoulders.

Commented in the game Buff Pusheen

Commented in the game A large head with a tiny face

Commented in the game a very potter musical

Commented in the game The light at the tunnel's end.

Commented in the game The Pixies

Commented in the game The Best Janitor

Commented in the game Oh? Did you think I meant you?

Commented in the game Girl lieing between lilies

Commented in the game twenty one pilots chlorine

Commented in the game Dragon

Commented in the game Dragon