

July 26th, 2017

thegoober5000 has drawn 937 drawings and authored 279 captions across 1,216 games. They follow 54 players and have 73 followers. They've earned a total of 3,833 emotes!


Commented in the game navy square

Commented in the game Earth as a cube

Commented in the game Earth as a cube

Commented in the game A little yellow odd fellow

Commented in the game camp camp

Commented in the game Steve and Blue (Blues Clues)

Commented in the game Steve and Blue (Blues Clues)

Commented in the game Jack White

Commented in the game First Place Prince

Commented in the game free draw ! !

Commented in the game Brexit Aftermath

Commented in the game Ariel in the Moonlight

Commented in the game Ariel in the Moonlight

Commented in the game Bear fur rug

Commented in the game Least dank meme yet

Commented in the game Mona Lisa

Commented in the game Team Fortress 2 Meme

Commented in the game Talking Heads