

August 2nd, 2017   Underground

Candycorny12 has drawn 228 drawings and authored 291 captions across 519 games. They follow 1 players and have 14 followers. They've earned a total of 758 emotes!


Commented in the game Nichijou- My Ordinary Life

Commented in the game Motivational Lizard

Commented in the game they're groovin

Commented in the game Free Draw

Commented in the game Raslei

Commented in the game Anti-Weeaboo person

Commented in the game Mello (Death Note)

Commented in the game Ralsei dressed like Sherlock Holmes

Commented in the game Ralsei dressed like Sherlock Holmes

Commented in the game Ralsei dressed like Sherlock Holmes

Commented in the game toothless

Commented in the game Gangster Ralsei

Commented in the game Gangster Ralsei

Commented in the game bongo sans

Commented in the game Ralsei dressed like Sherlock Holmes

Commented in the game berd (youtuber)

Commented in the game Unique Card

Commented in the game peeps

Commented in the game Luis Fonsi woke

Commented in the game Kirby