

August 14th, 2017

AvaDae has drawn 55 drawings and authored 64 captions across 119 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 143 emotes!


Commented in the game 2020 in a nutshelll

Commented in the game daisy from super mario bros

Commented in the game three eyed cat

Commented in the game Happy Things PIO

Commented in the game I NEED HEALING!!!

Commented in the game Josh Dun

Commented in the game Eggs with legs

Commented in the game Eragon from the inheritance series

Commented in the game I NEED HEALING!!!

Commented in the game Yoko steals George's biscuit

Commented in the game ur mom gey

Commented in the game Giant Robot Foot crushes building

Commented in the game A Vampire

Commented in the game Godzilla vs Mega-Bee

Commented in the game The sun is a friendly neighbor

Commented in the game How Bees Took over The World

Commented in the game Tea time on a tree stump