

September 8th, 2017   On the light side of the Sun

Cr3atif has drawn 192 drawings and authored 156 captions across 348 games. They follow 8 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 714 emotes!


Commented in the game Morty but smart

Commented in the game Lemon Rick!

Commented in the game Rick and Morty but Stranger Things

Commented in the game black cat loves her new swimsuit

Commented in the game Step 1: Draw Yiff.

Commented in the game Cow autumn leaves

Commented in the game Close up of eye

Commented in the game Sesame Street Rick and Morty

Commented in the game It's almost spooky month, Morty!

Commented in the game SCP-088 brushes his teeth

Commented in the game good morning PIO

Commented in the game American Psycho

Commented in the game cow gets butchered alive

Commented in the game Sanji (One Piece) PIO

Commented in the game step one: become a real boy