
luciano souza rey8420

February 24th, 2018

luciano souza rey8420 has drawn 52 drawings and authored 177 captions across 229 games. They follow 6 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 234 emotes!


Commented in the game minecraft vs roblox fan fic

Commented in the game Dog with hypno eyes

Commented in the game Dog with hypno eyes

Commented in the game Dog with hypno eyes

Commented in the game Bendy And The Ink Machine

Commented in the game Bendy And The Ink Machine

Commented in the game springtrap (fnaf)

Commented in the game Plants Vs Zombies

Commented in the game INK BENDY

Commented in the game INK BENDY

Commented in the game argentina

Commented in the game angry boy

Commented in the game Peridot vs bill cipher vs phineas

Commented in the game rip club penguin

Commented in the game angry boy

Commented in the game angry boy

Commented in the game Peridot vs bill cipher vs phineas