

May 8th, 2018   Progress and no not Progressive

Cr8iveDiamond has drawn 154 drawings and authored 212 captions across 366 games. They follow 5 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 530 emotes!


Commented in the game It's my birthday :D

Commented in the game Favorite Old Disney Show, go!

Commented in the game Favorite Minecraft Mob PIO

Commented in the game Pik-achoo!

Commented in the game Grasshopper collecting a Hot Dog

Commented in the game Wowsers it's Bowsers!

Commented in the game Kakarotto

Commented in the game Your best pixel art, go.

Commented in the game Crawling in my skin

Commented in the game Crawling in my skin

Commented in the game Richter Belmont

Commented in the game A bat holding a bat

Commented in the game Fancy Bloo in Purple (F.H.F.I.F)

Commented in the game Stonks but it's a pun

Commented in the game shut up heather! sorry heather

Commented in the game cabin in the woods

Commented in the game shut up heather! sorry heather

Commented in the game Earth