

May 8th, 2018   Progress and no not Progressive

Cr8iveDiamond has drawn 154 drawings and authored 212 captions across 366 games. They follow 5 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 530 emotes!


Commented in the game Earth Vader

Commented in the game Hideous Mountain

Commented in the game Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural

Commented in the game garfield as the apple logo

Commented in the game Astro Boy

Commented in the game Beetlejuice, but he's derpy

Commented in the game Beetlejuice, but he's derpy

Commented in the game Vibe Check

Commented in the game Vibe Check

Commented in the game The very end (vibe)

Commented in the game dog

Commented in the game Roblox and Minecraft fighting

Commented in the game White

Commented in the game Thanos DeVito

Commented in the game White

Commented in the game Thanos DeVito

Commented in the game abstract art

Commented in the game Peace was never an option

Commented in the game Never give up