

May 23rd, 2018   look behind you

savangel5 has drawn 468 drawings and authored 292 captions across 760 games. They follow 0 players and have 24 followers. They've earned a total of 2,046 emotes!


Commented in the game Mermaid romance

Commented in the game Your gar fish is here

Commented in the game Baba is you

Commented in the game A short but fat snake

Commented in the game Gorilla Carpenter

Commented in the game Gold Experience

Commented in the game Waffles

Commented in the game Eating a Cookie with a Desk

Commented in the game Embroidered bird

Commented in the game Shantae

Commented in the game Spiderman is a Pokémon trainer

Commented in the game i'm sorry Jon

Commented in the game halo

Commented in the game Butter-chan

Commented in the game bryan dechart in a crab suit

Commented in the game Some thing Funny i dont care

Commented in the game Shoe in a Battle