

May 23rd, 2018   look behind you

savangel5 has drawn 468 drawings and authored 292 captions across 760 games. They follow 0 players and have 24 followers. They've earned a total of 2,046 emotes!


Commented in the game Squid, or Kid?

Commented in the game beautiful queen being coronated

Commented in the game felix zemdegs

Commented in the game Your avatar as a Mii (PIO)

Commented in the game One Word Story PIO: Once

Commented in the game click bait

Commented in the game butter on a pancake

Commented in the game Free Draw PIO

Commented in the game LovelyOtter reached level 30!

Commented in the game You know we had to do it to em

Commented in the game Toucan Sam has the infinity gauntlet

Commented in the game Guys and Dolls

Commented in the game You know we had to do it to em

Commented in the game four-armed hero of legend

Commented in the game pink and blue pio

Commented in the game Naruto

Commented in the game omae wa mou shindeiru