

September 15th, 2018

KennyKakes has drawn 74 drawings and authored 45 captions across 119 games. They follow 2 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 157 emotes!


Commented in the game a thing you like becomes a dragon

Commented in the game Umbrella Corporation

Commented in the game Solar Sans

Commented in the game Your favorite MHA character (PIO)

Commented in the game Draw a dragon. People like dragons.

Commented in the game Thanos sans Thanos sans Thanos sans

Commented in the game Amazon woman

Commented in the game Raft Symbol

Commented in the game iPhone

Commented in the game FIRMLY GRASP IT!!!

Commented in the game Cute goblin

Commented in the game Bnha (my hero academia) pio

Commented in the game Shoto's Bizarre Adventure

Commented in the game Jumbo Marge

Commented in the game Jealous Stop Sign

Commented in the game Jealous Stop Sign