

December 31st, 2018   Tem Shop

MicroFireWolf has drawn 52 drawings and authored 392 captions across 444 games. They follow 30 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 537 emotes!


Commented in the game Magical black sword

Commented in the game Favorite Band (PIO)

Commented in the game john lennon

Commented in the game john lennon

Commented in the game john lennon

Commented in the game Thinking face emoji

Commented in the game Wings of Fire dragon

Commented in the game Made in Abyss

Commented in the game Punny House

Commented in the game Punny House

Commented in the game spotted puppy

Commented in the game Lightning McNugget

Commented in the game Lightning McNugget

Commented in the game salmon

Commented in the game Pokemon concept: Land Marlin

Commented in the game Pokemon concept: Land Marlin

Commented in the game Snake from an Alien Planet

Commented in the game Step 1: Teach goats how to drive

Commented in the game Reeling in a Rainbow

Commented in the game flowey