

December 31st, 2018   Tem Shop

MicroFireWolf has drawn 52 drawings and authored 392 captions across 444 games. They follow 30 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 537 emotes!


Commented in the game Bruh Sound Effect #2

Commented in the game Potter puppet pals

Commented in the game Snail climbs a tree

Commented in the game Chocolate lab

Commented in the game Claptrap (Borderlands)

Commented in the game Nail on a Star

Commented in the game Step 1: Boil the pasta

Commented in the game Charlie the Unicorn

Commented in the game Onionsan (Undertale)

Commented in the game Dapper Dragon

Commented in the game Glitchtale (Undertale AU/Series)

Commented in the game Killdozer anniversary

Commented in the game Draw your favorite animal pio

Commented in the game Step 1: Find a baby turtle

Commented in the game Write a fanfiction with me P.I.O

Commented in the game Draw whatever you want :D