

February 21st, 2019   Links to my art https://github.com/CodedCells/CodedCells

CodedCells has drawn 66 drawings and authored 302 captions across 368 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 276 emotes!


Commented in the game Beach

Commented in the game April Fools Prank (gone sexual)

Commented in the game Sexy Whale

Commented in the game Salt from the Year 2500

Commented in the game You know i had to do it to em

Commented in the game Tall Goomba

Commented in the game GLaDOS BDSM

Commented in the game Step 1: Steal a Nintendo Switch

Commented in the game Toothpaste

Commented in the game Thicc Leg

Commented in the game Cinderella crossing the Highway

Commented in the game Two Headed Wonder Woman

Commented in the game Anteater Drawing

Commented in the game GLaDOS needs more humans

Commented in the game GLaDOS needs more humans

Commented in the game GLaDOS needs more humans

Commented in the game Cat

Commented in the game Link (NES)

Commented in the game Waluigi in smash

Commented in the game Eclectic Peanut