

February 25th, 2019   deez

retardio has drawn 202 drawings and authored 533 captions across 735 games. They follow 75 players and have 37 followers. They've earned a total of 1,892 emotes!


Commented in the game flower

Commented in the game Pokemon rave party

Commented in the game Cave Icecube

Commented in the game Famous album cover

Commented in the game Doggy Hairdresser

Commented in the game Doggy Hairdresser

Commented in the game EAT PANT (SootHouse)

Commented in the game Best JoJo

Commented in the game Marge Cleaning

Commented in the game The brightest light....

Commented in the game Notch is our good

Commented in the game Sans playing trombone

Commented in the game surprise me!

Commented in the game Fav Character As A Lego PIO

Commented in the game giraffe

Commented in the game shaggy from scooby doo

Commented in the game shaggy from scooby doo