

February 25th, 2019   deez

retardio has drawn 202 drawings and authored 533 captions across 735 games. They follow 75 players and have 37 followers. They've earned a total of 1,892 emotes!


Commented in the game Jotaro Kujo VS Sans Undertale

Commented in the game (In Your Opinion) Best album PIO

Commented in the game Mario and Garfield's love child

Commented in the game frightening cookie monster

Commented in the game Monster dreaming of a Potato

Commented in the game deku swears

Commented in the game Poisoned apple.

Commented in the game Cill Bipher

Commented in the game Don't draw this phrase

Commented in the game JoBro heaven

Commented in the game Giorno, but with 4 hair donuts

Commented in the game Guts (Berserk)

Commented in the game Help Wanted SpongeBob

Commented in the game Fav Deltarune character P.I.O

Commented in the game The Venus Di-Vito

Commented in the game ZA WARIO