

February 25th, 2019   deez

retardio has drawn 202 drawings and authored 533 captions across 735 games. They follow 75 players and have 37 followers. They've earned a total of 1,892 emotes!


Commented in the game Favorite JJBA character. P.I.O

Commented in the game Favorite JJBA character. P.I.O

Commented in the game Numba 3

Commented in the game Road through the Alps

Commented in the game Love is love

Commented in the game Glamorous Diavolo

Commented in the game Kono Requiem Da

Commented in the game Squinty-eyed Eighty8

Commented in the game Jschlatt for president

Commented in the game Rollercoaster ghost

Commented in the game The World

Commented in the game Don't draw this phrase

Commented in the game Dojyaaan

Commented in the game Free draw(make this a top game!)

Commented in the game VIBE CHEK

Commented in the game what are you?

Commented in the game Favorite Senator

Commented in the game step one: join the mafia. (:

Commented in the game Gru but a rock singer