
i have moved

May 10th, 2019

i have moved has drawn 85 drawings and authored 72 captions across 157 games. They follow 13 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 257 emotes!


Commented in the game Patrick snail with pants

Commented in the game junko enoshima

Commented in the game Sanic

Commented in the game junko enoshima

Commented in the game Your Favorite Meme PIO

Commented in the game Peachception

Commented in the game The Curse... of the Were-UwU

Commented in the game Your favourite Youtuber P.I.O

Commented in the game that artistic S everyone knows

Commented in the game Rocko (Rocko’s Modern Life)

Commented in the game Denmark

Commented in the game Now I've Sung My ABCs...

Commented in the game creeper aw man (con)

Commented in the game Creeper...

Commented in the game Anime Ender Man

Commented in the game Every day for the Rolling Stones

Commented in the game I want to break free

Commented in the game Elite Computer