

May 24th, 2019

BankerPaul has drawn 61 drawings and authored 63 captions across 124 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 134 emotes!


Commented in the game Baby Weatherman

Commented in the game Baby Weatherman

Commented in the game Dead By Daylight

Commented in the game Dentist wearing a Coat

Commented in the game 5 Star DJ

Commented in the game Ox crossed with Designer

Commented in the game Ox crossed with Designer

Commented in the game Ox crossed with Designer

Commented in the game snowy mountains at night

Commented in the game Toon Link's feet

Commented in the game 1960's Jedi

Commented in the game Toon Link's feet

Commented in the game OMFG

Commented in the game ExiteBike

Commented in the game ExiteBike

Commented in the game Pandora Padoru

Commented in the game Table

Commented in the game Prehistoric Spider