

January 15th, 2020   i will eat your shins and nobody can stop me

owenpuppy21 has drawn 92 drawings and authored 89 captions across 181 games. They follow 47 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 380 emotes!


Commented in the game CEO

Commented in the game Victorious News Anchor

Commented in the game Somber woman

Commented in the game golden phoenix

Commented in the game L from death note

Commented in the game your fav youtuber

Commented in the game your fav youtuber

Commented in the game Speedwaifu

Commented in the game Tom Nook demands your money

Commented in the game Knife in a Dust Storm

Commented in the game Llamaception

Commented in the game Its benny worm! HAVE MY DIRT!

Commented in the game Flowey is not a good life coach

Commented in the game Panda

Commented in the game Stick Concept Art

Commented in the game Your best friend

Commented in the game Napstablook

Commented in the game Fishing with a Toothbrush