

May 6th, 2020

R0S3 has drawn 159 drawings and authored 262 captions across 421 games. They follow 12 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 503 emotes!


Commented in the game WOOO 1,300 EMOTES!!

Commented in the game Happy birthday, @UwUpeaches!

Commented in the game Duck barfing a rainbow

Commented in the game Snoop Dogg

Commented in the game Make me SUFFER

Commented in the game Sad Kokichi is checking out Elmo

Commented in the game Icecube

Commented in the game Unus Annus

Commented in the game Bus Driver

Commented in the game idk probably something from jojo

Commented in the game irene and anakiss (jjba)

Commented in the game Jotaro's wedding

Commented in the game cool fish surfer girl

Commented in the game Draw your personal Jojo stand

Commented in the game Draw your personal Jojo stand

Commented in the game Draw your personal Jojo stand

Commented in the game Last Place Snack

Commented in the game Blackmore (JJBA)

Commented in the game Space Anglerfish