

May 13th, 2020

big00mad has drawn 96 drawings and authored 48 captions across 144 games. They follow 13 players and have 27 followers. They've earned a total of 580 emotes!


Commented in the game Smithy

Commented in the game Green Bean

Commented in the game Alligator in a can

Commented in the game Steve Carell

Commented in the game Mamezuku Rai

Commented in the game Hubble Space Telescope

Commented in the game The Phantom Menace of the Opera...

Commented in the game a panda holding a balloon

Commented in the game a panda holding a balloon

Commented in the game Homer Simpson smoking Weed

Commented in the game y

Commented in the game Step 1: buy liechtenstein

Commented in the game the mafia gang aka all of us

Commented in the game Skull

Commented in the game MCR Destroya

Commented in the game cool fish surfer girl

Commented in the game A head that is fading away

Commented in the game Oily Gargoyle

Commented in the game Bikini Time

Commented in the game Bikini Time