

May 15th, 2020   Washington, USA.

Daivians has drawn 120 drawings and authored 198 captions across 318 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 322 emotes!

Battlefield Jul 19th, 2020
wait, its all earth? Jul 18th, 2020
Confused Drawception holding almonds Jul 18th, 2020
Say no to smoking Jul 18th, 2020
Money Grows on Trees Jul 17th, 2020
heart giving beanos sugar Jul 17th, 2020
a waiter May 24th, 2020
Why dont you respect me as a gay :( May 23rd, 2020
lemon May 22nd, 2020
a demon came to visit you May 22nd, 2020
Two bees fighting (Ones yellow, ones orange) May 22nd, 2020
Virus gets their knees knocked off May 21st, 2020
Green guy in a sweater May 21st, 2020
Gay bird May 20th, 2020
King Julian Is Unable To "Move It Move it" May 20th, 2020
The police catch a robber stealing a diamond May 20th, 2020
demon drinking May 20th, 2020
Trees visiting a cemetery. May 20th, 2020